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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2023-06-13 07:01:27 |  访问:260

  • 招聘公司:麦吉尔大学

  • 公司简介:麦吉尔大学位于世界上最伟大的多元文化和多语言城市之一,以其卓越的高等教育和研究机构而享誉国际。?近200年来,通过专职人员的工作,麦吉尔(McGill)在各个领域都取得了突破,并为世界上一些最重要的问题提供了解决方案。

  • 招聘工作:办公室管理员

  • 工作性质:全职

  • 工作内容:

  • 通过确保行政服务按照既定目标和目的进行,执行和组织活动以支持该单位的日常运作。实施适度复杂的行政程序或系统,以支持学院,部门或单位的运营,并确保活动达到或超过既定的质量要求。

  • 计划会议、会议、午餐会和特别活动。记录和分发分钟数。

  • 根据大学和政府法规管理单位或建筑物的物理资源。

  • 为学生事务和学术行政活动提供支持。

  • 通过确定需求并在提供服务方面提供支持,建立和促进有效的工作关系。

  • 评估和解决管理问题。在适当的时候,通知主管并提出建议。

  • 参加会议。

  • Perform and organize activities to support the daily operations of the unit by ensuring that administrative services are carried out in accordance with established goals and objectives. Implement administrative procedures or systems that are moderately complex in support of the faculty, department or unit’s operations and ensure activities meet or exceed established quality requirements.

  • Plan meetings, conferences, luncheons and special events. Record and distribute minutes.

  • Administer physical resources of the unit or building in compliance with University and government regulations.

  • Provide support for student affairs and academic administrative activities.

  • Establish and foster effective working relationships by identifying needs and providing support in the delivery of services.

  • Assess and resolve administrative problems. When appropriate, inform supervisor and formulate recommendations.

  • Attend meetings.

  • 职位要求:

  • 具有大学程序和资产结构的经验。能够在紧迫的期限内工作。能够确定多个不同请求的优先级,评估复杂情况并确定优先级。能够预测问题,确定问题来源并提出解决方案。能够始终表现出高水平的专业精神和谨慎态度。尊重机密性和处理敏感信息的能力。熟练使用微软办公套件。能够用法语进行口头和书面交流。

  • Experience with university procedures and structures an asset. Ability to work to tight deadlines. Ability to prioritize multiple and varied requests, assess complex situations and determine priorities. Ability to anticipate problems, identify their source and propose solutions. Ability to demonstrate a high level of professionalism and discretion at all times. Respect for confidentiality and ability to handle sensitive information. Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite. Ability to communicate in French, both orally and in writing.






推荐:更多麦吉尔大学招聘全职办公室管理员,快来看看吧! 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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